Saturday, September 13, 2008

Uncover Intel Secrets Takes Off at Pacific U!

The campaign to Uncover Intel Secrets was officially launched in Washington County yesterday, at Pacific University. Today and yesterday combined, I and other student activists told close to a hundred people about Intel's connections to groups that lobby against progress on global warming. Over 80 of the people we talked to were young people who signed the Power Vote pledge to vote for clean, renewable energy, and participate in politics to bring about a transition away from fossil fuels in this country.
Here in Oregon, many of our elected officials are almost ready to take the strong action we need on global warming and energy issues. What's holding them back is the influence wielded by major business alliances opposed to progress on energy policy. As Pacific University students signed the Power Vote pledge these last two days, we let them know about this major stumbling block in Oregon's path to a clean energy future. Eighty people who before knew nothing about Intel's connections to the fossil fuels promotion machine now know that there is something up with Intel. Something not so green, at all.
This is just the beginning, friends. We're going to keep registering students to Power Vote, and will soon begin reaching out to the wider community as well. Intel's little secret isn't going to stay covered up much longer.

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